My name is Ingrid Joya. I am educator, coach, therapist, inspirational speaker and a mother for two gorgeous girls and one keto boy. My every day starts and ends with cooking, as inspiring and tiring as it sounds. I educate people on mindful eating and special diets (keto, low carb, gluten and caseine free etc) and provide personal consultations.
My son is on long-term ketogenic diet due to health reasons, that`s where my keto journey started. It was pretty rough in the beginning, but quite soon i realized that even very restricted diet (like keto) can be tasteful, versatile and enjoyable. I have learned that food is also our medicine, it heals our body, feeds our soul and brings us together. There is great power in every herb, flower, fruit and root, and in love we put into cooking. All together it is a playful journey from the ground to the plate.
Food, whatever kind, has to have three important components for me- it has to look good, it has to taste good and it has to be good for the body and soul! I started out writing down the recipes for me and my family, so it would be easy and fun for us to figure out what to cook tonight. Maybe you, who you are peeking through my kitchen door in this blog, will find little inspiration, too!